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The Mini Malfoys

Updated: Feb 10, 2020

We all know and love to hate Emerald Malfoy, but don't you worry, you'll get more Malfoy action in an upcoming book.------------

So, we all know that Emerald is not the nicest person, but what about siblings? Well... drumroll please... I proudly introduce you to Scorpious and Tom!

Our first contestant, Scorpious, is someone you might be somewhat familiar with if you've read or seen Cursed Child. If you don't know him, he is the Malfoy's youngest and favorite child. Unlike his sister, Scorpious is a very nice person. He is obsessed with reading and being the best student he can be. This is his first year of hogwarts and he was more than ready. But, he is really embarassed about his family. He looks almost evactly like his father and everyone beleives that he is Voldemort's son.

I don't think he's Voldemort's son! I mean, he has a nose!

Moving on to the middle child, Tom Malfoy. Tom Malfoy's attitude is very similar to his sister's. He loves to mess with both of his siblings. He constantly pulls pranks and is also a first year. I wonder what trouble he will stir up at Hogwarts...


Well, I think that's all you need to know about the Mini Malfoys... for now...

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